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Silicone Remover

Specially developed silicone remover for removing silicone residues. Great for removing caulk and other silicone-based coatings. It's efficient and it works fast. Use this silicone sealant remover on mineral and non-mineral surfaces.
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As low as €15.71
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Silicone Remover is a solvent-based remover for silicone contamination and other silicone residues.
Silicone Remover is based on an acid and strong solvent so that stubborn silicones are quickly and effectively broken down and removed.
Silicone Remover is liquid and can therefore be applied easily and quickly on large surfaces and window frames.
Silicone Remover is biodegradable


Silicone Remover can be safely applied on practically all surfaces.
Silicone Remover is very effective on surfaces where silicone contamination occurs such as coated window frames, siding and glass. Other surfaces where the product can be applied are, for example, wood, concrete and stone.


• Effectively and quickly removes silicone residues
• Applicable on almost all surfaces
• A silicone-free surface ensures better adhesion of paint and other coatings
• Easy to use and suitable for large surfaces
• Biodegradable
• Can be used indoors and outdoors Fast-acting and efficient


1 and 5 L.


1. Apply Silicone Remover undiluted to the surface with a brush or microfiber cloth.
2. Allow the product to work on the surface and agitate the surface with a white scouring pad or a microfiber cloth to speed up the process. The treatment time is strongly dependent on the contamination and the temperature. Prevent the product from drying.
3. Rinse off the product with plenty of water and remove the dissolved contamination or coating, if necessary, with appropriate pressure or a scraper.


Silicone Remover can be used in all dry weather conditions.


Consumption is between 3-5 m2/L depending on the contamination.


Can be kept for at least 24 months in original unopened packaging.
Store in a well ventilated, cool and frost-free place.


Prevent the product from entering the respiratory tract. Also avoid eye and skin contact. Always wear suitable gloves, protective clothing and goggles. When in doubt, always consult the safety data sheet or our R&D department.

Consumption is between 3-5 m2/L depending on the contamination.